g. Mechanical Starting Device. The starting
1-3. Description
device is an off-center linkage mechanism designed
a. General. The Link-Belt Diesel Pile Hammer,
to engage with a machined shoulder on the ram
model 180 M, is a self-contained free piston, com-
for lifting the ram and starting the hammer.
pression-ignition machine, operating on the two-
h. Lubrication System. The ram and fuel pump
cycle principle. The hammer consists of the upper
are lubricated by a single plunger lubrication oil
and lower cylinders, cylinder head, ram, anvil
pump. Lubrication oil is supplied to the pumps
guide, recoil dampener, mechanical starting de-
by gravity flow from the oil tank, passing through
vice, lubrication system, fuel injection equipment,
a screen filter inside the tank.
hydraulic control system, and driving head and
adapter assembly. As the ram is lifted inside the
i. Fuel Injection System. Fuel oil is contained
cylinder with a crane hoist line, air is compressed
in a tank mounted on the upper cylinder and is
in the bounce chambers located on the side of the
supplied to the fuel injection pump by gravity
upper cylinder. The starting device is tripped and
flow, passing through a filter and a fuel hose. A
disengaged from the ram, which in turn free-falls
high pressure fuel line delivers the fuel from
in the cylinder. As the ram descends in the cylin-
the fuel pump to the injector.
der, the compressed air in the bounce chambers
j . H y d r a u l i c C o n t r o l S y s t e m . The hydraulic
expands giving added velocity to the downward
travel of the ram. As the ram nears the end of
its downstroke, atomized fuel is injected into the
relief valve, high pressure hose, and a receiver.
The system is used to control the fuel pump rack
ignite (due to high compression temperatures)
which varies the amount of fuel delivered by the
and explode and expand, driving the ram upward
fuel pump to the injector.
and the pile downward. As the ram rises it un-
k. Driving Head and Adapter Assembly. An
covers the exhaust ports, allowing the gases to
adapter assembly is used in conjunction with the
"blow down". Then it draws fresh air through
driving head. Although the adapter assembly
the intake ports as it continues upward. At the
affords protection to the pile, its express pur-
same time the rising ram compresses air in the
pose is to protect the hammer.
bounce chambers.
b. Cylinder. The cylinder is manufactured in
14. Identification and Tabulated Data
two parts, the upper and the lower cylinder. Both
a. Identification. The hammer has three major
parts enclose the ram, and the upper cylinder
identification plates. The information contained
furnishes space for the compressed air which is
on these plates is given below:
given back to the ram, pushing it and accelerating
it on its downward stroke. The lower cylinder
(1) The Corps of Engineers identification
contains the intake and exhaust ports.
plate specifies the name of the manufacturer,
make, model number, date of manufacture, serial
c. Cylinder Head. The cylinder head allows the
number, and the Federal stock number of the
air compression and gives the ram and cylinder
hammer. It is located on the right side of the
bore protection from the elements and any for-
eign matter which may drop from the boom point
or hoist cables.
(2) The manufacturer's name plate specifies
d. Ram. The ram is a free piston and is the
the model number, serial number, weight, and
patents covering the hammer. It is located on the
means by which the work output of the hammer
right side of the unit.
is delivered to the pile.
e. Anvil. The anvil is located at the bottom of
(3) The manufacturer's instruction plate
specifies operating instructions and cautions to
the cylinder and relays the energy from the ram
to the pile.
be observed while operating the hammer. It is
located on the right side of the unit.
f. Recoil Dampener. The recoil dampener is of
b. Tabulated Data.
a material that absorbs the shock loadings to the
cylinder. It rides on the top part of the anvil
(1) Diesel pile hummer.
flange just below the cooling ring, which vents
Link-Belt Speeder
the recoil dampener.